Creative Submissions
If you have felt inspired to be creative by engaging with the Lab of Misfits or if you create art that is inspired by shifts in perception, we want to see your work!
Whether visual art, poetry, short stories, performances, or any other way you have felt moved to create, please submit this work to us and we will showcase your work on our website!
The top three submissions will be chosen by Beau and the Lab creative team, and the artists will be invited to be featured on an lG Live showcasing the work and a discussion about your creative process!
Dance…Music…Film…Animation…Graphic Design…Singing…Acting…. Poetry…Painting…. Clowning…Acrobatics…no matter the medium, feel free to share your expressions of perception!
(Please keep your submissions under 3 minutes)
We can't wait to connect, share, and showcase our fantastically talented and committed community!
The images shared here are from one of our own Misfits, Amy Gentry, who describes her work: "Over the last 8+ months I started taking photos of how completely gross we are in our house and playing around with the photos to make them 'art'... to make something appealing out of everyday mess (when you have the ability to change your perspective)."
In order, these are photos of chipped paint (main banner), wad of dog hair on the carpet, spit in the sink and baby teeth.